825 Seventh Street parishoffice@stpatrickrodeo.org 15107994406

A Message from Our Pastor

April 28, 2024

Dear People of St. Patrick Parish,

This is Stewardship weekend here at St. Patrick Parish and as we listen to the Scripture Readings at Mass today, let us see how we the branches joined to Christ the Vine are growing in our Faith and helping others to attach to Christ our Vine here in Rodeo-Hercules.

The Acts of the Apostles tells us that Christians in Judea, Galilee and Samaria were at peace. They were being built up and walked in praise and loved God, and with the consolation of the Holy Spirit, they grew in numbers.

We pray today that our Parish will grow in numbers and that many will step up to become involved in the ministries here at St. Patrick’s to help make this happen.

The First letter of St. John tells us to believe in the name of Jesus Christ, and to love one another just as he commanded us. We can show that love by helping out in the Parish and reaching out to those who cannot come to Mass due to ill health or lack of mobility and bring Jesus to them.

Work with our youth of the Parish so they can experience their Faith as they learn about their Faith from our love of being a Catholic, e.g., our Youth Ministry Students teaching our Children at Children’s Liturgy of the Word at Mass.

Please go to the hall after Mass and see how you can get involved in your Parish and help others to attach to Jesus the Vine.

Also, the Stewardship Committee has prepared a survey that you can help us, to make all these things happen.

Let us remember that we the branches, are fed by the Vine -Jesus, every time we receive Him in Holy Communion and the other Seven Sacraments.

God Bless all the Branches of St. Patrick Parish.

One of the Shepherd at St. Patrick Parish

Fr. Larry Young

Flores De Mayo