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A Message from Our Pastor

September 08, 2024

Dear People of St. Patrick Parish,

We have come to Mass to hear the scriptural readings today. Let us open our minds and hearts to these words that help us draw closer to our loving  God.

The prophet Isaiah tells us that the Lord said, “Say to those whose hearts are frightened; Be strong, fear not. Here is your God.” We come to hear our God and let Him into our daily lives.

St. James tells us, that God chose those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and they will be heirs of the kingdom that he promised to those who love him.  It is not the amount of our credit card limit that is important, but how we treat each other in our daily lives. If we hate, abuse and disrespect the poor because we have gold rings and fine clothes and close our eyes to the needs of others, we will not please God and may see the poor enjoying heaven and we will be perhaps in hell and hating those there with us.

In Mark’s Gospel, we see Jesus show love and care to a deaf man who had a speech impediment. Jesus healed this man.

At the baptism liturgy, the priest or deacon touches the ears and mouth of the person with his thumb and prays, “May the Lord Jesus, who made the deaf to hear and the mute to speak, grant that you may soon receive his word with your ears and profess the faith with your lips, to the glory and praise of God the Father.”

Today, here at Mass, let us hear the beautiful word, “EPHPHATHA” that is , Be Open.

Make sure that everyone has the opportunity to learn about God and to receive God’s
Blessings in their lives, especially our children.

Fr. Larry Young
Your Pastor