825 Seventh Street parishoffice@stpatrickrodeo.org 15107994406

A Message from Our Pastor

January 12, 2025

Dear People of St. Patrick Parish,

With the celebration of the Baptism of the Lord, the Christmas Season is completed and next Sunday, we begin with Ordinary Time and the color of the vestments is back to green.

The Feast today, reminds us that Jesus did not have original sin and never sinned, but He showed us that the Sacrament of Baptism is something very special and He showed the way.

We see Jesus in prayer after all the people had been Baptized and I am sure He was praying for all those people to not go back to their sinning ways. Jesus is also most likely thinking about the next three years of His life and especially Good Friday, when He will be rejected and killed.

Living today, in 2025, we recall the voice of God from heaven saying something that must be clear to us today, “you are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.”

Yes, that is who Jesus Christ is and why we should believe in Him and His teachings as we await His Second coming whenever that may be.

Today is a good time to reflect upon our own Baptism at whatever age it may have been. Do we know where was the Church, the country that we were Baptized? Do we know or have we even met our godparents? Do we realize that the day of our Baptism brought us into the family of God and will help us to one day get to heaven?

Happy Baptism Day to all of us.


God Bless,
Fr. Larry Young
Your Pastor

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