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A Message from Our Pastor

December 08, 2024

Dear People of St. Patrick Parish,

Our Scriptural Readings today remind us of how God forgave the people who broke His laws and were taken captive by the Babylonians and were brought back to Jerusalem to start anew.

Can we remember how many times God has forgiven us our sins and accepted our act of repentance? This time of Advent is to give us hope for our world, today and our prayers should be that the praising of sin can be destroyed by the right and justice with the grace of Jesus Christ.

Do we pray for sinners, encourage them to turn away from their sins and follow Jesus? Do we help those we love, who are living in sin to head the message of Jesus and change?

This Advent Season, there are so many wars, hate, crimes, disrespect for God and His many acts of love for all creation. Let us unite in prayer and pray that as we await the second coming of Christ, Christians will help to pray and show why we believe and hope.

On Monday, we pray to the Blessed Mother of Jesus under the title of the Immaculate Conception. Although Mary did not have sin, she certainly felt the horrible effect of sin as she stood at the foot of the cross and watched her son be killed. Mary is certainly praying for the many mothers whose children are being killed by drugs and murdered.

On Thursday, we pray to Mary as our Lady of Guadalupe who appeared to St. Juan Diego and prayed for the people of Mexico and taught us all to have faith that the Devil and His followers will one day be crushed by the second coming of Christ.


God Bless,
Fr. Larry Young
Your Pastor

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